Personal notes for preparing for the GitHub Actions Certification


Contexts are objects that have properties, which can be strings or other objects. They let you access information about different aspects of workflow runs, such as variables, runner environments, jobs, and steps.

Context name Type Description
github object Information about the workflow run. For more information, see github context.
env object Contains variables set in a workflow, job, or step. For more information, see env context.
vars object Contains variables set at the repository, organization, or environment levels. For more information, see vars context.
job object Information about the currently running job. For more information, see job context.
jobs object For reusable workflows only, contains outputs of jobs from the reusable workflow. For more information, see jobs context.
steps object Information about the steps that have been run in the current job. For more information, see steps context.
runner object Information about the runner that is running the current job. For more information, see runner context.
secrets object Contains the names and values of secrets that are available to a workflow run. For more information, see secrets context.
strategy object Information about the matrix execution strategy for the current job. For more information, see strategy context.
matrix object Contains the matrix properties defined in the workflow that apply to the current job. For more information, see matrix context.
needs object Contains the outputs of all jobs that are defined as a dependency of the current job. For more information, see needs context.
inputs object Contains the inputs of a reusable or manually triggered workflow. For more information, see inputs context.


Configuration Variables

You can create configuration variables for use across multiple workflows, and can define them at either the organization, repository, or environment level.

question 22